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儂佒讀書坊/閎讀書儂佒(Hóong Dook Sloey Nong Qyaang)/ห้องท่องสือนงอยาง/Nong Qyaang Reading Room


Nong Qyaang Reading Room, Máy Réw Private Reading Room and Old Zhen'an Prefecture Literature and History Resource Center, has opened in mid-September this year on the 2nd floor of 115 Xinlong Road, Chengguan Town, De Bao County, Guangxi, and is now open to the public free of charge - Originally Posted on Facebook on October 8, 2019


The beautiful scenery of Phya Baay-Jèe Mountain and Kyáam River: A corner of the Debao County seat, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China

緣起: 我的故鄉是位於廣西西南部中越邊境地區的德保縣,縣城雲山聳立,鑑水縈繞,山明水秀,向來被視為風水寶地,故歷史上曾經是明清時期廣西十二大府治之一的鎮安府治所在地;壯族人口佔全縣人口98%以上,通行佒壯語,是南路壯劇和壯族對歌傳統“吟詩”的發源地,被譽為壯文化之鄉。


建設這個旨在蒐集德保及其周邊文史和文藝資料並提供給公眾使用的閱覽室/資料室,也是發生了這件事之後臨時決定的。多年來自己購置了很多圖書,大多放在德保家中,另外,阿沛Tai Chung-pui博士在內地的圖書市場上淘到的很多過去大半個世紀內出版的珍貴壯語文資料,也大多寄往我德保家中存放。這些資料只是作為私藏就沒法發揮其重要作用了,而既然德保縣內還沒有一個擁有各種文史、文藝書籍的閱覽室和地方文史資料的存檔處所,不如就從我們這些收藏的書籍和資料開始吧。所以,在經營圍棋學苑的家人的幫助下,從九月中旬開始我們開始建設了這個小小的資料庫和閱覽室,將所有資料提供給對文化史地文藝有興趣的當地人,以及對當地史地文化有興趣的外人免費參觀閱讀。“儂佒讀書坊“用當地主體人群——壯族儂人的佒支系來命名,也是想突出在地語言文化的主體性;副標題的“木樛私人閱覽室暨舊鎮安府文史資料室”,則以我的網名“木樛(Máy Réw,紅棉樹之意)“來起名。讀書坊建設初期的開放時間設想是,與在同一個地址的弈德圍棋學苑的對外開放時間一致,即平日裡的19:00-21:30,週末(週六日)和暑假寒假期間10:00-18:00。

我們歡迎任何人士給這個讀書坊捐贈任何題材的圖書以及文史資料,可寄往以下地址:中國廣西壯族自治區德保縣城關鎮新隆路115號 弈德圍棋學苑(郵編:533700)言麗雁 (轉)儂佒讀書坊。



My hometown is Debao County, located in the border area between China and Vietnam in the southwest corner of Guangxi. The county seat is surrounded by Phya Baay-Jèe Mountain (岜排寨/雲山) and Kyáam River (汏鑒/鑒河), and has always been regarded as a place with auspicious geomantic omens. Therefore, it was once the seat of Zhen'an Prefecture (鎮安府), one of the twelve major prefectures in Guangxi during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is the birthplace of the Southern Zhuang opera (Soìng Yhà Hàay) and the Zhuang antiphonal singing tradition "ngyam sley" (吟詩), and is known as one of the important cultural center of the Zhuang.

At the end of August, I visited the Debao County Culture Center, hoping to gather some valuable information on culture and history, but not only did this official department not have any information on Debao's local culture, history and art, but the staff were also ignorant of the situation, which I was deeply saddened by. Later, I visited Mr. Wei Xuehu, a local history researcher, and learnt that the rich local cultural, historical and artistic materials collected and collated by the staff of the Debao County Culture Center in the 1980s and 1990s had been treated as rubbish by a certain director of the center after entering the new century, and were all disposed of as discarded books and newspapers by his subordinates at the scrapyard. In the 1980s, he bought some valuable materials from the scrap yard, such as a handwritten copy of the "Collection of Zhuang Folk Dances from Debao County" (edited by Huang Shengji), which belonged to the Guangxi volume of the Chinese Folk Dance Collection. Afterwards, I posted some pictures and thoughts on that trip to that official culture centre of Debao County on WeChat, which was reposted by a friend called Ziran (自然) on Meipian (美篇), and had some impact on the region. The short article even "surprised" the county leader, who offered to meet with me to exchange views, but I declined because I was in a hurry.

The decision to build a reading room/research room to collect and make available to the public information on the history and arts of Debao and its surroundings was also made on an ad hoc basis after this incident. Over the years, I have acquired many books for my own use, most of which are kept at my home in Debao. In addition, many of the precious materials in Zhuang language published over the past half century that Dr. Tai Chung-pui found in the mainland book markets have also been sent to my home in Debao for storage. Since there is not yet a library with a wide range of literature and art books and a depository of local literature and history in Debao, we might as well start with our collection of books and materials. So, with the help of our family members who run the Weiqi Academy, we started to build this small database and reading room from mid-September, offering all the materials to local people who are interested in culture, history, literature and art, as well as outsiders who are interested in local history and culture to visit and read for free. The name of the Nong Qyaang Reading Room is named after the main group of people in the area, the Qyaang (Yang) Branch of the Nong (≈ Southern Zhuang) people of the Zhuang ethnic group, in order to highlight the main character of the local language and culture. Its subtitle , "Máy Réw Private Reading Room and Old Zhen'an Prefecture Literature and History Resource Center", is named after my nick name, "Máy Réw" (meaning red cotton tree in Yang Zhuang). The initial opening hours of the Reading Room were designed to be the same as the opening hours of the Weqi Academy at the same location, i.e. 19:00-21:30 on weekdays and 10:00-18:00 on weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and during the summer and winter holidays.

We welcome donations of books on any subject, as well as literary and historical materials, to the following address: Yide Weiqi Academy, 115 Xinlong Road, Chengguan Town, Debao County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China (postcode: 533700) Yan Liyan (c/o) Nong Qyaang Reading Room.

At the same time, we also welcome people who have the opportunity to visit the bookstore and even participate in the construction of the library management (e.g. helping to classify all the books and materials in the bookstore and input the catalogue into the computer, helping to set up a website for searching information, etc.). It is also hoped that the bookstore will provide a platform for students and scholars to read, write, work and relax in Debao County.

聯繫方式(目前參觀讀書坊仍須預約)/Contact details (booking is still required to visit the Reading Room): 中國廣西壯族自治區德保縣城關鎮新隆路115號 / No. 115 Xinlong Road, Chengguan Town, De Bao County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China 儂佒讀書坊(閎讀書儂佒)/ Nong Qyaang Reading Workshop (閎讀書儂佒) 負責人: 言麗雁 女士 Responsible person: Miss Yan Liyan 聯繫電話/Contact number: +86-776-3822636;+86-15007760200 Email:;

以下相片為讀書坊的一些場景、收藏和陳列/The following photos show some of the scenes, collections and displays in the Reading Room

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