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LIÀO Hànbō

Lèw Hàan Po 

Lyáawh Háanh Poh

เลี่ยว ฮั่นโป


Yang Zhuang
(Old reading)
Yang Zhuang
(New reading)

Linguistics Dept., HKU

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Ph.D. (The University of Hong Kong | 香港大學)

M.A. (Payap University | มหาวิทยาลัยพายัพ

B.A. (Xi’an Foreign Languages University | 西安外國語學院)  

           (now Xi’an International Studies University | 西安外國語大學)


Philologist in the Kra-Dai oral art traditions

Native speaker of Yang Zhuang, a Central Tai language

Webmaster of the Zhuang Online (壯族在線)

Owner of Nong Qyaang Reading Room (儂佒讀書坊)


My research interest lies in Historical and Comparative Linguistics, Phonology, Tonology, Grammar, Areal linguistics and Language Contact, Bilingualism/Multilingualism, and Sociolinguistics, focusing on the Sinitic, Kra-Dai, and Austronesian languages. I have published several research papers in international academic journals, including Language and Linguistics and Folia Linguistica Historica. My Ph.D. study was to explore the formation of the linguistic areal features in the Lingnan region of China in diachronic and typological perspectives at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), supervised by Prof. Stephen Matthews and Dr. Joe Perry.  My MA thesis was to conduct a study on the tonal development of Tai languages, based on tone data from 42 Tai language varieties most of which I have personally investigated. I also focus on the bilingual development of Zhuang children, and from 2019, I have started to compile a Yang Zhuang-Chinese-English-Thai online dictionary and an introductory textbook of the Yang Zhuang language, hoping to provide resources for children’s bilingual teaching of Zhuang-Chinese in the future.

I was professionally trained in IPA (international phonetic alphabet) and linguistic field methods. I am a polyglot and many of the languages I speak are the subject of or relevant to my research, and they are listed below in order of proficiency.

Native: Debao Yang Zhuang (the Urban and Ma'ai varieties) and Putonghua (Standard Chinese).

Near Native: Thai, Cantonese, Guiliu (of Southwestern Mandarin), and Jingxi Yang Zhuang.

Advanced: English, and Japanese (Certificate of Level 1).

Intermediate: Standard Zhuang, Northern Thai, Tai Lue, Lao, Shan, Bouyei, Cantonese dialects of Nanning, Baise and Zhongshan, and Xi’an Mandarin.


In addition to my linguistic studies, I am also a philologist in Kra-Dai languages’ oral literature. Since 2008, I have been participating in the protection and inheritance of intangible cultural heritage in the Zhuang areas of China, and helped Jingxi City of Guangxi to successfully apply for the registration of Mot Lan (末倫), a Southern Zhuang melodious art, onto the list of the national intangible cultural heritage units in 2021. 

As a Yang Zhuang native speaker, I am passionate about the preservation and transmission of the Zhuang language and culture. In December 2001, I launched the Zhuang Online (壯族在線)website, which has since become the largest online platform for Zhuang people to discuss the preservation and transmission of their language and culture.  With this platform, we have started a Zhuang pop music project since 2004, which involves singing pop songs in Zhuang to motivate young Zhuang people to change their passive attitude to their native language. Since then, we have organised six Zhuang pop concerts and published two CDs of Zhuang pop music - Beih Nongx (literally "siblings") from Southern Zhuang in 2008 and Beixnuengx Raeuz (literally our "siblings") from Northern Zhuang in 2014.

Research Output
錨點 1

Research Output

Academic Publications

Books & Theses (in English)

1. Liao, Hanbo. 2023. The Formation of Lingnan Linguistic Traits: Typological Structures and Diachronic Issues. Hong Kong: The University of Hong Kong PhD dissertation.

(This thesis was nominated for the 2023 LSHK Outstanding thesis Award and for the Li Ka Shing Prizes and HKU Foundation Award for Outstanding Research Postgraduate Students, 2022/23.)

2. Liao, Hanbo. 2016. Tonal Development of Tai languages. Chiang Mai: Payap University MA thesis.


3. Liao, Hanbo & Tai , Chung-pui. Forthcoming. Yang Zhuang and its Zhuang Character Writing in the Mid-Eighteenth Century: With an Appendix of Yang Zhuang Reconstructions. Leiden: Brill.


Journal papers (in English)

1. Liao Hanbo. 2023. An Integrated Tone Box Scheme for Determining Tones in Tai Varieties beyond Southwestern Tai: Diachronic and Synchronic Concerns. Folia Linguistica Historica 44(1). 199-244. (SSCI; A&HCI)


2. Liao, Hanbo. 2023. Tonal behavior as of areal and typological concerns: Centering on the Sinitic and Kam-Tai languages in Lingnan. Languages 8(2), 148. (ESCI) 

3. Liao, Hanbo. 2017. Proto‑Tai reconstruction of ‘maternal grandmother’ revisited: *na:jA, *ta:jA or *ta:jB? Language and Linguistics 18(1). 116-140. (SSCI; A&HCI

4. Liao, Hanbo. 2016. Diachronic Hierarchies of Tai Tonal Development. Payap University Journal 26(2). 75-92.


Journal papers (in Chinese)

1. Liao, Hanbo (廖汉波) & Tai Chung-pui (戴忠沛). 2019. Guǎngxī Débǎo Xiàn Zhuàngzú duìgē chuántǒng "yínshī" de yīnyùn gélǜ jí gēlù jǔyào: Yǐ "Débǎo géxū shāngē" wéi lì (广西德保县壮族对歌传统“吟诗”的音韵格律及歌路举要——以〈德保歌圩山歌〉为例) [Phonological rules, poetic form and dialogue pattern of the traditional Zhuang antiphonal singing ‘ngyam sley’(吟诗)in Debao, Guangxi: illustration from 'Folksong of Debao Song Fair' (德保歌圩山歌)]. Mínzú Wénxué Yánjīu (民族文学研究) [Studies of Ethnic Literature (Beijing: Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences] 2019(4). 15-36. (CSSCI)

2. Liao, Hanbo (廖汉波) & Tai Chung-pui (戴忠沛).  2019. "Yí huā jiē mù": Zhuàngzú "yínshī" cíyuán yǔ gélǜ yuánlíu kǎo (“移花接木”——壮族“吟诗”词源与格律源流考) [To graft and transplant: the etymology of Zhuang ‘ngyam sley’ and the origin of its poetic form]. Mínzú Yìshù (民族艺术) [National Arts Bimonthly (Nanning: Guangxi Academy of Ethnic Culture and Arts)] 2019(2). 51-61. (CSSCI)

3. Lu, Xiaoqin (陆晓芹) & Liao, Hanbo (廖汉波). 2017. Cóng yìshù, zōngjiào dào lìshǐ: Zhuàngzú "mòlún" yǔ Lǎozú "Mōlán" yìshù bǐjiào yánjīu lùjìng de sīkǎo (从艺术、宗教到历史———壮族“末伦”与佬族“麽蓝”艺术比较研究路径的思考) [From art, religions to history: a thought of comparative research path between moed laenz of the Zhuang and molam of the Laotian]. Mínzú Yìshù (民族艺术) [National Arts Bimonthly (Nanning: Guangxi Academy of Ethnic Culture and Arts)]  2017(3). 122-128. (CSSCI)

4. Liao Hanbo (廖汉波). 2010. Lìyòng wǎngjù lìliàng wéihù hé cùjìn Guǎngxī mínzú tuánjié (利用网聚力量维护和促进广西民族团结) [Safeguarding and promoting ethnic unity in Guangxi through internet power]. Guǎngxī Mínzú Yánjīu (广西民族研究) [Study of Ethnics in Guangxi] 2010 (4). 32-33. (CSSCI)


Book Chapters (in English)

1. Chaisingkananont, Somrak & Liao Hanbo. 2017. Zhuang. In Ken Taylor and Victoria Williams (eds.), Etiquette and Taboos around the World: A Geographic Encyclopedia of Social and Cultural Customs, 331-335. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO/Greenwood Publishing Group. 

2. Pittayaporn, Pittayawat & Liao Hanbo. forthcoming. Contact-induced changes in Tai languages. In Jeroen Darquennes, Joseph Salmons, & Wim Vandenbussche, (eds.), Language contact: An international handbook, Volume 2. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.

Book Chapters (in Chinese)

1. Liao, Hanbo (廖汉波). 2022. Táiyǔ lìshǐ bǐjiào de tūpò: Zhāng Gāofēng (Pittayawat Pittayaporn) de "Yuánshǐ Táiyǔ yīnxì" (台语历史比较的突破:张高峰(Pittayawat Pittayaporn)的《原始台语音系》) [A breakthrough in the historical comparison of Tai languages: The Phonology of Proto-Tai by Pittayawat Pittayaporn]. In Chen Baoya (陈保亚), Wang Feng (汪锋) & Li Zihe (李子鹤) (eds.), Lìshǐ yǔyánxué yǔ Hànzàngyǔ fāngfǎlùn (历史语言学与汉藏语方法论) [Historical linguistics and Sino-Tibetan linguistics methodology], 199-231. (Běijīng Dàxué Zhōngwénxì yǔyán yǔ rénlèi fùzá xìtǒng yánjīu píngtái, lǐlùn yǔyánxué yánjīu cóngshū dìyījí (北京大学中文系语言与人类复杂系统研究平台·理论语言学研究丛书第一辑) [Research Platform on language and human complex systems, Department of Chinese, Peking University; Theoretical linguistics research series, collection 1]). Beijing: Peking University Press.

2. Liao, Hanbo (廖汉波). 2010. Táiyǔzhī zhōngbùzǔ Yāngnóngyǔ (Déjìng Tǔyǔ) yīnxì gàikuàng jíqí pīnyīn fāng’àn xiángjiě (台语支中部组佒侬语(德靖土语)音系概况及其拼音方案详解) [An overview of the sound system of the Central Taic language Yang-Nong (Dejing vernacular) and description of a phonetic spelling system]. In Li Fuqiang (李富强) and Kao Ya-ning (高雅寧)  (eds.), “Zhōngguó Zhuàngxué” dìsìjí (《中国壮学》第四辑) [Chinese Zhuang Studies] vol. 4, 70-192. Beijing: Nationalities Publishing House (民族出版社).

Conference Presentations

    The 56th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 56)

1. Liao, Hanbo. 2023. Lingnan as a linguistic area and “phonological Lingnanization”. 

   Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. 10-12 October, 2023.

    The 32th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 32)

2. Liao, Hanbo. 2023. Kra substratum in Yang Zhuang.

    Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 16–18 May, 2023.

    LSHK (The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong) Annual Research Forum 2020

3. Liao, Hanbo. 2020. Tai Tonogenesis Revisited: Evidence from Thirty Modern Tai Varieties

    The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Online via Zoom). 11-12 December 2020.

    The 45th International Council for Traditional Music World Conference (ICTM 2019)

4. Liao, Hanbo & Tai Chung-pui. 2019. From traditional ‘nyaemz slei’ to modern pop song: Inheritance and change of the rhyme scheme of Yang Zhuang chanted poetry.

    Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. 11-17 July, 2019.

    The 29th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS29)

5. Liao, Hanbo & Tai Chung-pui. 2019. Northern Tai Subgrouping in Diachronic Perspectives: Evidence from Yongnan Zhuang.

    Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan. 27-29 May, 2019.

    LSHK (The Linguistic Society of Hong Kong) Annual Research Forum 2018

6. Liao, Hanbo. 2018. The Affiliation of Yongnan Zhuang in Diachronic Perspectives.

    City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. 1 December, 2018.

    The 25th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 25)

7. Liao, Hanbo. 2015. Yang Zhuang poetry.

8. Tai, Chung Pui & Liao Hanbo. 2015. Linguistic features of mid-18th century Yang Zhuang as reflected in the "Sino-Foreign Translated Words".

    Payap University, Chiang Mai, Thailand. 27–29 May, 2015.

    The 23th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistics Society (SEALS 23)

9. Liao, Hanbo. 2013. Proto-Tai reconstruction of ‘maternal grandmother’ revisited: *na:jA or *ta:jA ? Chulalongkorn University,            Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand. 29-31 May, 2013.

    The 45th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL 45)

10. Liao, Hanbo & Shen, Ruiqing. 2012. Gedney’s tone box revisited: Evidence from some varieties of Central and Northern Tai.

11. Shen, Ruiqing & Liao, Hanbo. 2012. Acoustic-tonetic Study of Pjang Zhuang: An undescribed Central Tai Variety.

    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. 26-28 October, 2012.


Peer Reviewer (in English)

1. Journal of the International Phonetic Association (JIPA). 2024. 1 manuscript. (SSCI, and A&HCI)

2. Asian-European Music Research Journal (AEMR). 2024. 1 manuscript. (Scopus, DOAJ, RILM, and ERIH PLUS)

3. Journal of Language and Culture. 2023. 1 manuscript.  

4. A book chapter of the edited volume “(Dia)lects in the 21st century: Selected papers from Methods in Dialectology XVII (Mainz, 2022)”. 2023. 1 publication.

5. Current Research in Chinese Linguistics (CrCL). 2022. 1 publication.

Peer Reviewer (in Chinese)

6. Mínzú Yìshù (民族艺术) [National Arts Bimonthly (Nanning: Guangxi Academy of Ethnic Culture and Arts)]​。 2019. 1 publication. (CSSCI)

7. Mínzú Wénxué Yánjīu (民族文学研究) [Studies of Ethnic Literature (Beijing: Institute of Ethnic Literature, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)] 2022. 1 publication. (CSSCI)

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